Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's alive!!!

Watching my Solio Hybrid 1000 battery charger get juiced up upby the sun for the first time.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. How long does it take to fully charge an iPhone at 50%?

Will said...

The way it works is you first charge the internal battery via USB or by via solar cell. Then, plug in your device to suck out power back out.

Once the solio is charged up, it can charge an iPhone battery to about 50% about as fast as it usually charges. So what's the catch? It takes 8 hours of direct sunlight to charge up the solio.

Mike said...

Hey will, thanks for the Digg. That's my first ever!

You are, of course, now required to run a marathon.

Will said...


Let's just say I have yet to run a couple of miles without stopping.