Saturday, October 06, 2007

When did you get your first paycheck?

I was a pretty pathetic job-seeker back in high school. Extra-curricular after-school activities took up a a lot of my time during the school year and each summer job search was unsuccessful. I was pretty sure someone somewhere was hiring, but I was just plain bad at it. Anyhow, my first paycheck came when I worked for the computing services department during college. Eventually, my paycheck came in the form of direct deposit and I started getting pay stubs instead. No matter how late, I still experienced the satisfaction of depositing my checks into the bank.

The point is not in getting a physical paycheck or just a pay stub, but that working means you're contributing to society. In comes Austin, a friend from college, started MFP with his teenage sister Celeste to help teens and employers find each other more easily. If you know any young folks looking for a job or are looking to hire some, check that site out.


Anonymous said...

Nice idea for a site... If the thing expands at all to my end of Indiana, I'll tap that to shift my perennial hatred, yardwork, onto a poor, helpless kid. :) Thanks for posting, Will!

Will said...

It really is a brilliant great idea. Austin, are you reading this?

Anonymous said...

I am Will, Thanks! We're not quite ready to expand to Indiana, probably Boston and Chicago next... but we're always open to suggestions!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Austin and Will, perhaps you should consider a continued collaboration in the form of a monthly blog encouraging the youth entitled "Where there's a Will there's a way". It may be interesting to include recent success stories from the site told through Will's unique literary lens.

Will said...

Adam, thanks for the encouragement. Austin, what do you say about the revised title, "Where there's a Will, there's a way [to talk about Apple, Inc.]".