Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Now we're talking

So, wondering how Google was going to make money on Google Talk? They can now put Google Ads unobtrusively next to your chat history as they've added a Chats view in Gmail so you can search and revisit your old conversations from anywhere (except China?). What easier way to capitalize on IM than this. Now, if they just recorded the voice chats as well...

What if you don't want to save your conversation? Go off the record. Don't want to (or can't) download Google Talk? Chat right in Gmail! Ok... that was all very excessive, especially for something that would become immediately apparent to anyone who uses Gmail. Just to reiterate, the point of this blog post was to point out how Google was going to finally make money from Google Talk. Also, here's a new logo with talk tucked in right under Gmail.



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