Monday, August 21, 2006

Second time's a charm

Contrary to the last time I attended a work-related cocktail party, I didn't ask totally dumb questions or whip out my new iPod nano in front of an interviewer the moment it came up in the most tangential of conversation. Tonight, my training class got a chance to meet with alumni and top IT executives. After standing glassless through two toasts, I finally went over to the bar and picked up a plastic glass of white whine. The friendly bartenders introduced me to the concept of wine tasting opportunities (although I should've done my own tasting right there) after I asked about the quality of my woot wine. They also said that if I wanted tickets for Shakespeare in the Park (Merryl Streep is in it this weekend), it was necessary to get in line at 8am.

All in all, I'm having a great time in training (and the technical training hasn't even started) and meeting interesting people, although I have to find time to check and act on my emails. I don't get a personal computer for training because we have workstations... Oh, and I met my first peer advisor and he seems like a nice guy. A superb group of people overall, many with UK accents : )

Fighting a cold so I shouldn't really blog further, but I'll try harder next time.

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